Are you carrying scars from deep church wounds? What if you were the pastor’s wife and it was all because of what God was revealing to you in His Word?
There is a long line of bruised and battered sheep—disheartened Christians barely breathing along the hillsides outside churches. They are either mad at God and/or His people and have walked away from anything “church,” or have chosen to attend a nominal church and not get involved. Some still love the Lord but hate His family.
Not many have been hurt by a church more than Carol DuPre’ has. She was labeled “crazy” by some in her church, then what felt to her like being excommunicated and abandoned by everyone she had cared for and loved for thirty years, including most of her family. Her artfully crafted, impactful vignettes reveal the raw, painful story. Will she find healing or will she give up on church as so many have? What does she say now about “religion”? Enjoy her unique sense of humor as you read to find out.
Here is an excerpt:
"All these years, I was fully immersed in what I thought was God and suddenly I knew it wasn't God at all: it was religion .... I was on the threshold of an awakening that would introduce me, again, to my Savior. I was entering into a new walk with the Lord and I would be able to see Him as He was, and not how someone interpreted Him to be.
"And, I was about to discover grace again.
"Or, maybe even, for the very first time."
See Inside a few pages
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[But keep in mind that the author gets much more royalty when you buy it here at Olive Press.]
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Quote from the book:

NOTE: It has come to our attention here at Olive Press that there are some in Carol's former church who disagree that Carol was "excommunicated." As she states several times in her book, she can only write what happened to her and what it looked and felt like from her vantage point. When no one would talk to her and a message was relayed to her not to come to the church anymore, she felt excommunicated. The purpose of this book is not to accuse, but to show the awesome LOVE and healing power of God for anyone hurt and rejected by others, and also to show God's transforming power that can change a wounded, angry, frightened person into one of inner peace and joy and forgiveness.
There are also people who have let Olive Press know that they disagree with the author's version of some of the events she describes. They were present and would describe them much differently. Let's remember that when any of us are hurt and wounded, certain things can get magnified in our eyes, and we react quickly and defensively out of fear. In her book, Carol admits this was her. Also, many times we don't realize what our reactions are looking like to the other people in the room. This may also be Carol.
Let's all examine ourselves and ask the Lord to show us how our actions have affected others. Let's ask Him to show us the truth about ourselves and our actions and for Him to give us the grace to apologize and change. Then let's turn our own wounds and fears over to Him for healing before we react again. Let's also look at those around us through His eyes, especially who seem to be acting ugly, and let's see their fright, then let's love them into His safe arms, and pray for them instead of accusing them or further frightening them. Let's all grow in this supernatural ability in Him.
Our prayer is that readers will have a greater outpouring and understanding of God's amazing LOVE from reading this book. Our prayer is that reconciliation will come by God's GRACE, not further schisms. Our prayer is that we all will be set free by Jesus who is the Truth in person who loves to reveal His Truth (straighening up our skewed viewpoints) about each of our own situations. We ask you to join us in praying for Carol and for everyone involved in her story. Let's believe God for miracles of continued healing and reconciliation.
PRAISE THE LORD, He is beginning to answer our prayers!!! The author received a very nice, sincere note of apology from her pastor of that church!! HALLELUJAH!!
Carol talks about forgiveness:
Here are some comments to the author on her FaceBook page:
Hi Carol, Praise the Lord! In reading your book, I was shocked to hear you were put in the mental ward! If I had known I would have visited you! I am so sorry this happened to you. Your book brings freedom to many that now know that being micromanaged is not Gods desire for us.
Just received my copy of the book yesterday and peeked ahead at a few chapters. You have always made me laugh...and continue to do so. Now, I will start it at the beginning. I love you, Carol DuPre and my only regret is not taking you home with me after the visit in '86! :) Please enjoy the Book launch party-I will be there in spirit!
The part I laughed at was the visual of you rolling on the floor-as free and as spontaneous as you have always been. I am now about two thirds though the book and am just floored...and am definitely not laughing. What hell you have been through-and you've survived. God is good and you are the toughest lady I know.
I have only a few pages left...Carol, I am not one to fact my son has been trying to get me to read The Hobbit for 6 months now...but I could not get enough of your writings!! I really mean that...I am going to buy one for my therapist(am just about done). I believe it is also for the saved and unsaved...I do want to send a note to you..can you message me your address at some point. Thank you for your gift of this book, Carol...I hope you get a very large financial blessing from it!
I read the entire book today. Loved it! I love that it reads like you talk.
Whoa...have been reading all day and am totally speechless. Unbelievable, Carol, just so unbelievable.
Am reading your book and can't put it down!
Me too. Great read so far. Shows what can happen in anyone's life if me miss the mark by just a degree. My relationship with God is first, with my husband, second; with family third; household of God next then society.
I can't put the "d*%#m" book down, and I mean that in a very good way. I have something to get ready for and my nose is in your book. Carol, there has to be another book in you, don't stop now please.
Carol has put into words what so many of us have dared not even utter -- let alone think! -- for fear of being labeled blasphemous, a Jezebel, or rebellious!
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