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MOSES trilogy


Product Information

COMING SOON!  MOSES,a fully illustrated children's Bible story book.


Would you like your children to learn the full Bible account of the life of Moses? This book tells his whole life story with pictures and all. This illustrated Moses trilogy is for children ages 8-12. Other Bible story books skip a lot of what is included in this one. You will be pleased.


In the Moses, the Shepherd  section, children will see that baby Moses was saved in a basket, grew up, risked his life to protect slaves, fled to Midian, saw the burning bush, heard God speak, bravely obeyed God in going to Pharaoh and telling him to let God's people go. Your children will see that God brought ten plagues on Egypt that finally caused Pharaoh to release the Israelites. Then they will see God's miraculous parting of the Red Sea.


In the Moses, the Leader  section, children will see that God provided for the people of Israel, giving them water, Manna, and quail, and helping them defeat their enemies. Moses leads the children of Israel to Mount Sinai where God gives them the Ten Laws and later gives Moses the instructions for building the Tabernacle. But when Moses comes down the mountain, he finds the people worshipping the Golden Calf. After the people are punished, the Tabernacle is built. This part fully illustrates detailed information of the Tabernacle and all its contents.



In the Moses, the Servant  section, Aaron and Moses face the challenge of leading the complaining and rebellious Israelites on their journey to the Promised Land. This last section gives the story of the twelve spies, of the refusal to enter the Promised Land, of Korah's rebellion and punishment, of Aaron's budding rod, of the battles against kings, of Balaam whose donkey speaks to him, and more, all the way to Moses looking over the Promised Land before his death.


Bible characters and stories will come alive in the children's minds.Parts of the story are actual Scripture quotes.


Size: 6 x 9, 186 pages, paperback, black and white interior. For children ages 8-12



Product Code: Moses1

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