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Counting the Omer

Counting the Omer

$31.75 $27.99

The one counting actually commanded by God starts on Resurrection Day.

KING OF THE JEWS, children's Bible story

KING OF THE JEWS, children's Bible story


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COMING SOON!  KING OF THE JEWS, fully illustrated children's Bible story

Love's Three Days

Love's Three Days

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There is no Love greater than this.  It took Him three days to show the endless depth and all conquering power of His L…

Messianic Judaism Class, Student Book

Messianic Judaism Class, Student Book


Is God tugging your heart to learn more about the Jewish roots of the Christian faith and the Jewishness of the Bible?



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The Little Donkey, colouring book

The Little Donkey, colouring book


COMING SOON!  THE LITTLE DONKEYcolouring book by UK artist Pauline Shone.

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