Yom Kippur(Hebrew for the Day of Atonement) is one of the Moadim, one of the Appointed Times of the Lord. It is an “appointment” set by the Lord. God has made an appointment with us. In the Bible He commands Israel to keep this appointment and gives instructions on how to do that.
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When someone makes an appointment, they have a reason. As author Rabbi Jim says, “If someone in my congregation makes an appointment with me, they wouldn’t like it if I controlled the whole time and never asked them what they wanted to see me about.” God has set the agenda for Yom Kippur, and we need to find out what it all is.”
To Jewish people, Yom Kippur is the most holy day of the whole year. It is the holiest of the autumn High Holy Days, a very serious, somber, sacred day.
In the Bible, Yom Kippur is the day the Cohane HaGadol (High Priest) entered the Most Holy Place, also called the Holy of Holies, taking the blood of the sacrificed animals and sprinkling it on the Mercy Seat to make atonement for the sins of the people. Also he had to casts lots over two goats, one to be chosen as the scapegoat and the other to be sacrificed.
But since 70 AD after the Temple was destroyed, none of that can be done anymore. So how do traditional and Messianic Jewish people observe this day today? And what agenda did God have in mind for this day for these End Times? And what power does it hold for your personal walk of faith and for spiritual warfare? You might be surprised. God’s Yom Kippur appointment with us is in the Holy of Holies, the Holiest Place in the Temple in our hearts.
Size: 5.5 x 8.5, 354 pages
1. The High Priest on Yom Kippur
2. Yom Kippur Traditions
3. Seven Appointments
4. Sin and Iniquity
5. Ingrained Iniquity and A Guilty Conscience
6. Lo Ezkhar Od/Remember No More
7. Mysterious Signs
8. Mystery of the Blood: Cleansing the Land
9. Mystery of the Blood: The Covenant Symbol
10. Kol Nidre
11. Our Tongues: Vows and Curses
12. Breaking Curses
13. Afflicting Our Souls: T’shuvah
14. The Torah of Yeshua
15. God’s Chosen Fast: Breaking Bonds
16. Steps to Complete T’shuvah and the Al Chet
17. Wheat and Weeds
18. Yovel (Jubilee)
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This book is part of Rabbi Jim Appel's Appointed Time Series. See the other books here.
Product Code: YKippur33