Like vitamins that our bodies need, believers’ minds and spirits need all kinds of Bible studies—Story-line studies, subject studies, word studies, theological grounding studies, devotional and inspirational studies, application-based encouragement studies, and this one: an overview study. THEREFORE’s panoramic orientation helps to grasp the big picture of God’s purposes, how He has interacted with humanity, how He has provided for our redemption, how He indwells His people, and to what goal He is bringing us.
Now is a time to persevere in the “THEREFORE’s” which the Spirit of God has put in writing for us. God’s message to us in writing is an amazing gift. It preserves the facts of life in one volume for every generation. We have been given God’s pattern: there (what truth proceeded?) fore (what action or obedience, then follows?). Put symbolically: ⟵there + fore ⟶ That is, based on what I know and then believe, how therefore do I live it out, to God’s glory?
THEREFORE reveals who Yeshua said He is; who He is from the perspective of His Biblical, Jewish culture; who the apostles and the writers of the Epistles said He is; and what our response should therefore be.
These 12 short studies call us to believe God’s truths revealed in the past, to eagerly expect the Messiah’s return in the future, and to therefore live out His indwelling life today. It explores why the Church and the Jewish people have become so divided. THEREFORE alerts us to our own chapter of God and Man’s redemptive history as it draws to completion, perhaps soon.
THEREFORE is great for group or personal study.
THEREFORE is the third of three books in a Bible study series.
ALL, IN, THEREFORE Bible Study Trilogy
THEREFORE is the third in a Bible study series preceded by ALL and IN. (Having studied the others is not necessary for studying this third one.)
ALL reveals that all the Scriptures are all about Him.
IN reveals all that is available to us in Messiah.
THEREFOREanswers how we should therefore live.
Learn more about the three studies and group discounts here.

[Tanakh is the Hebrew term referring to the Old Testament.]
Buy all three books together at group discounts here.
See THEREFORE on Amazon
and Barnes & Noble.

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See all of Kay's books published here at Olive Press.
See still other books by Kay on Amazon
Two of her books are about Ethiopia where she and her husband were missionaries: Overcomers, and Hidden in Triumph,
Another book was written by both she and her late husband Charles, The Messiah Mystery.
Three of her books are on
See her books on Barnes and Noble.
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