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SUKKOT, Feast of Tabernacles

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SUKKOT is the Hebrew name for this week-long Jewish, Biblical holiday, the Feast of Tabernacles. Scripture commands us to do several things to observe it:

  • Live in sukkot (temporary dwellings) for seven days,
  • Rejoice as we wave the Lulav (branches) each day,
  • Have a holy gathering and sabbath rest the first and last days.


What does it all mean for us today? Scripture explains the reasons for some of it, but for others it is a mystery.


Rabbi Jim Appel digs into all of it, including:

  • The mystery of the Lulav
  • The mystery of the palm tree 
  • The mystery of the eighth day
  •  Why temporary dwellings


This book is not just for gaining knowledge. It is not just for a quick summary. It teaches us about this Moad, this Biblical Appointed Time, and so much more.

This book is for going deep with the Lord. It is for digging in to see how this holy week can be applied to our own lives for us to grow in our personal walk with our Messiah.


See inside  a few pages:


This book can be purchased here in the shopping basket above. (Rabbi Jim makes gets a much bigger royalty for books purchased here through Olive Press Publisher.)


Buy the E-Book here on Kindle!  Buy the print book here or

on Amazon or Barnes and Noble:




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