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COMING SOON, a book about trauma and how the Almighty brings deep, inner healing.


 SLIVERS OF HELL, MOSAIC STEPPINGSTONES TO HEAVEN: Even in the trauma filled life of an unbeliever, the LORD is placing Heavenly stepping stones that lead to Him.


For a long timebecause of traumatic experiences, Heather had a type of emotional soul memory amnesia! She couldn’t remember much of what went on in her life. It was all kept well hidden, deep inside her, locked up for many, many years in the lower part of the bowels of her being. (Perhaps you know what that means.) Then one daysuddenlymany memories flashed across her mind's eye. Her soul vault was being unlocked. Since then, more memories have flooded over her like a tidal wave, washing away the haziness from her soul. She was being revived and awakened to Heavenly revelations.

She learned that nothing is wasted or happenstance in the Kingdom of Almighty God. Everyone’s life is an eternal book. We each become one of Maestro’s working story/song books.

This book is a combination of Heather's earthly testimony mingled with the behind The Holy of Holies Veil communications from our Heavenly Father that she would have heard Him saying to her — if her spiritual ears had been opened to hear His Holy, Holy Voice Calling and Speaking to her heart concerning the traumatic, abusive life experiences that Sovereign God allowed her to have on this side of His tapestry. The Father also revealed to her the mosaic steppingstones He had placed one by one under her feet over the years that lifted her further and further into the Heaven's healing realm.

The most important realization Heather had is that her Heavenly scroll is open, and she refuses to be stopped. She knows now that she is a warrior for The Kingdom of GOD! Her hope and prayer is that in reading this literary work of art inspired by Heaven itself and Heaven's healing Hebrew language pictographs, you will find inner healing and will be encouraged to also refuse to be stopped in accomplishing your assignment as also one of GOD's Kingdom warriors.


Size: 6x9 inches, 290 pages


Here are a few sample pages:







Product Code: SteptoHeavn1

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