Hold this big, hard cover Sacred Name Bible in your hands and flip through all 1192 pages!
See with your own eyes the Hebrew Name of God in Hebrew script like this
all 6,519 times! And see Yeshua's (Jesus') Hebrew Name like this
all 983 times in this Sacred Name Bible.
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God said in Exodus 20:7 (KJV) You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that takes His name in vain. In the reverent attempt to make sure no one ever breaks this vital commandment, the Jewish rabbis decided thousands of years ago not to ever pronounce God’s Sacred Name which in Hebrew is spelled hwhy (YHVH). In place of His Name, they decided to say “Adonai” or “HaShem” (“The Name” in Hebrew). God bless them for so carefully and reverently obeying this command. Jewish people still follow this custom today. Bible translators do also. They replace God’s Name with “LORD” in all capital letters (as in the verse above). In fact, the adherence to this Rabbinical rule has been so complete that the correct pronunciation of the Almighty’s Awesome, Sacred Name has been lost. No one today knows for sure how it was pronounced.
We wonder, if that is what the Creator of the Universe had in mind. Does He really never want to hear His Name on our lips, if spoken with great reverence and awe? He put His Name in the Bible almost 7000 times. David, “a man after God’s own heart,” wrote this Sacred, Hebrew Name almost 800 times in the Psalms, most likely also pronouncing it when he recited, prayed, or sang those psalms to hwhy.
It is a beautiful blessing just to see hwhy throughout the Scriptures—a feast for our eyes and souls and spirits. Maybe someday we will also have the blessing to know how to proclaim His Name aloud in power, sing His Name lovingly in praise, and call upon His Sacred Name sincerely in supplication.
However, since hwhy allowed the sound of His Name to be lost, perhaps He wants it spoken only in private by His truly reverent, faithful ones. Two most likely pronunciations put forth by Hebrew scholars are: “Yehovah” or “Yahoveh.” It is not pronounced “Jehovah” because there is no “j” sound in Hebrew. It is not “Yahweh” because there is no “w” sound in Hebrew. (Although some say that in ancient Hebrew, there was a sound somewhere between a “w” and a “v”.) May hwhy Himself reveal to us how to say—in our private prayer and worship time—with all respect, honor, and reverence—His Most Holy Name.
There is so much deep meaning and beauty in the Name hwhy. There is the meaning of existing, of breath, and of past, present, and future. And when you look at the meanings of the individual Hebrew letters of hwhy (YHVH), there is something very astounding. Hebrew letters were originally pictographs, each one having a meaning.1 The Hebrew “Y” has the underlying meaning of “hand,” the background meaning of the “H” is “window.” The “V” was originally a picture of a nail. Put this together, and it says “hand, window, nail, window.” Since the Hebrew grammar is often backwards from English, we can turn that around to say: “window, hand, window, nail” which is like saying, “Behold the hand, behold the nail.”2 Doesn’t that just give you revelation chills of awe? May hwhy keep on revealing to us more and more about His Sacred Name.
1 Dr. Frank T. Seekins, Hebrew Word Pictures, Living Word Pictures, Inc., Phoenix,, 1994, 2003.
2 Source unknown. It is not in Frank Seekins’ book.
Our Savior's Name is powerful in every language! His Name in any language is still the Name which is above every name (Phil. 2:9), the Name whereby we must be saved (Acts 4:12), and the Name that has authority over all the power of the enemy! (Luke 9:17-19). God created all languages and He is above any translation errors.
Hebrew is the language God chose for Jesus’ original Name: [wXy pronounced Yeshua. In this Sacred King James Version, we use [wXy as His Name.
[wXy comes from the Hebrew root word for “salvation” (see below). “Salvation” is h[wvy (yeshuah) which is pronounced exactly the same as Yeshua. Therefore when anyone reads the word “salvation” in Hebrew, they are saying our Savior’s Name.
To bring this fact to life, this Sacred King James Version uses “h[wvy (salvation)” in place of “salvation.” It helps the reader see how many times the Name above all names is in the Hebrew Scriptures. (We do this also in the New Covenant even though it was recorded in Greek because some say that most of it was originally written in Hebrew.)
Both [wXy and h[wXy come from the root word [Xy (yasha) which means “save” or “deliver.” That is why the angel said to Joseph, “... and thou shalt call His Name [wXy: for He shall save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). The added h “h” in “salvation” means “behold or window,” so we could say that salvation is a window into who Yeshua is!! When you see salvation you see Yeshua. Salvation brings us to Yeshua. Our salvation is through Yeshua only. Salvation is Yeshua. Yeshua is salvation!!
In Hebrew, some grammatical forms of “salvation” are not pronounced “h[wXy.” For example, “my salvation” is “yeshuati,” “his salvation” is “yeshuato,” “your salvation” is “yeshuatecha,” etc. There are diffferent forms for different cases and for gender, etc. There’s yeshuat, yeshuot, teshuah, etc. However, for simplicity’s sake, we went ahead and used “h[wXy” in place of them all.
The Light Of The World
Jesus' Hebrew Name is marvelous. When written in this Biblical Hebrew script
one can see seven flames at the top of the letters. If you place a picture of a Menorah (lampstand) over the letters, those seven flames will stand atop the seven branches of the Menorah, exemplifying the awesome fact that Yeshua is the Light of the world! This is no accident! This shows just one aspect of the beauty of the Hebrew language which God chose to use for most of the Scripture.
NOTE: Let us clear up something: We are not part of the Sacred Name movement. We believe the Name of Jesus is powerful in every language and that people can be saved by calling on His Name in English or Spanish or Arabic or Chinese or whatever language. Olive Press is part of the Messianic Movement. When we started working on this Bible in 2008, we didn't even know there was a Sacred Name movement (or Hebrew Roots movement or Two House either)! Our director loves to look at God's Hebrew Name written in her Hebrew Bible. She was sure other people would like to see it, too! She thought maybe people who aren't studying Hebrew would still like to see the original Hebrew Name of God hwhy and of our Lord and Savior, Jesus (Yeshua) [wXy in their English Bibles. Other translations using the Sacred Hebrew Names change lots of other words into Hebrew also. In our Sacred Name Bible, only the Father and the Son's Names, YHVH hwhy and Yeshua [wXy, are in Hebrew. Everything else is the original KJV except "Messiah" is used in place of "Christ," and a couple ancient English words are changed to today's version, such as "ass" to donkey.
Size: 1192 pages, 6.69 x 9.61 inches (about 2.5 inches wide). Weighs 4 lbs.
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Product Code: Sacred HARD COVER