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Product Information

COMING SOON!  JOSEPH the DREAMER, an illustrated children's Bible story book.


Joseph, from a shepherd's cherished son to slave to prisoner to world ruler is a great man of God in the Bible. Joseph was Jacob's youngest and favourite son. Jacob's older sons were jealous of their younger brother. Joseph had astonishing dreams of ruling over his family, which made his brothers hate him even more! They plotted against Joseph and sold him into slavery in Egypt. Yet it was all in God's plan. 

Joseph's life as a slave begins to improve, but is then suddenly shattered. He is falsely accused and thrown in prison. But even this doesn't throw off God's plan.  In the end, God used Joseph during a seven year drought to help his family and to save the Egyptian's lives and many others' lives around the world.

Will Joseph's dreams ever come true? When Joseph's brothers come to Egypt during the famine to buy food will they see Joseph? Will they recognize him if they do? Have your child read the Bible and/or buy this book to find out.  As they read Joseph's story in this book, they are free to color the line drawings illustrating what happened to Joseph.

This fully illustrated story of Joseph's life of trials and triumphs includes Jacob's family tree. 

Size: 6 x 9 inches, 90 pages, paperback, black and white interior. For children ages 8-12

Here is the Table of Contents and a few inside page spreads:









Product Code: Joseph1

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