Come to the arms of Jesus. Drink from His healing fountain and find your heart softening and able to receive love again.
Is your heart wounded and broken from a betrayal by the one who was supposed to love you till death? Are you having trouble picking up the pieces, patching the wounds, and moving on? The authors understand. They have been through it. They know how long it takes and they know what is needed to begin to feel whole again. Learn from what worked for them. Read about the practical things. And then read the lists of soothing Scriptures that will cleanse away your negative thinking and will lift your soul into the truth of the Lord's love and care for you. The healing power of God's Word will turn you around to walking in confidence and hope and yes, joy again.
Size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 88 pages
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We have a couple wonderful stories about this book!
August 2013: A reader called the author, Lyn, and said that her husband of 30 years had suddenly left her. She was so brokenhearted and despondent. In her desperation for help she Googled "broken heart" and this book came up. She read it in one sitting and was so blessed and comforted that she called Lyn to tell her. Lyn was able to comfort and minister to her for a couple hours on the phone! They have been in more contact since. We are just so delighted!! This was what we hoped for when we began Olive Press Publisher!! Lord, we pray for thousands more such stories!!
May 2013. Here's a story from our director: I was at a conference and felt led to take a copy of this book toa secretary there who had always been very kind and friendly and helpful. I thought she would find this book very useful in her ministry. (I am one that always feels like other people hear from the Lord so much better than I do.) The afternoon brought a down time when I could've taken it to her, but I forgot about it. Instead I sat down to read the Bible in this free time. Suddenly I thought, "Oh yea, I was going to take the book to her!" I looked outside and saw a storm brewing and decided, no, the walk across the campus to her office is too far. I will get wet and cold. Besides she might not even be there. So I turned back to my Bible. But a feeling of urgency came over me that I must take that book to her. So I took it to her. She greeted me warmly as she always does. We talked a bit and then I told her I brought something for her and held out the book to her. I was starting to say that I didn't think she had a broken heart but that she probably ministers to people who do. But I stopped because she just sat and stared at the book in her hand with her mouth opened in a look of shock. After a couple minutes, she said, "Did the Lord tell you to bring this to me?!" I kind of sheepishly nodded my head. She told me, "This morning my daughter told me, 'Mom, I see you with a bright red heart that is cracked, but the pieces are still all together, with just one tiny piece out of place. But there is like light coming out of it' " That's why she was shocked. She was seeing the very image her daughter described right in front of her. Then I told her how I almost forgot to bring it and felt the urgency. I said, "I don't feel like I hear from the Lord like other people do." The other lady at the other desk in the office said, "Obviously you do hear from the Lord!" After laughing together and hugging each other, I left feeling very encouraged in my spirit!
מק"ט: HEART