Do you love baseball? Then you will love this book! Let the game teach you something about yourself.

Let your love for baseball help you see the Love and Grace of God in a new way! God uses this exciting sport to reveal His Grace in a way you have never understood before.
Do you know anyone who could use a deeper understanding of God's LOVE? Give them this book. They will also understand the game of baseball after reading this book.
Let your wife read it and she will learn more about your sport--maybe even learn to love it, and will grow in her love for the Lord and hopefully you, too!
God gave author, Art Zehr, a dream about the Bible's team, who the allstar players were, what their batting line-up was, and what positions they played. Art explains how God manages His team; how He chooses, calls, and commissions players, and who some of His allstars are today. Read the book to find out what this means for your life. Find out how your name can be listed on the roster.
Also find out what was going on in Art’s life when he had the dream and what an amazing impact it had on him.
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Proceeds from the sales of this book go to support the author's ministry.
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Reviews on other websites about God's Allstar Baseball Team:
One reader writes: Being a woman, I have to admit I was leary about this book. However, once I started reading, I could NOT put the book down!!!
Another said: This book makes getting to know God and understanding the Bible so much easier, especially for people that don't go to church and/or read the Bible. I'm not into baseball at all, but the way Art has used baseball to get the message of God out there is powerful, and it works! Even though I am a Christian this book helped me to understand alot more about God, and has helped me to get through some rough times lately.
Yet a third says: I personally had been going with alot of hurt feelings due to a harsh divorce. While reading "God's All Star Team", I was able to get over that hump with some of Art's real life stories. He opens up his life with so much that you just have to have a good belly laugh.
Code produit: BASEBALL