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Children's Books

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The Feather From Heaven

The Feather From Heaven

$17.95 $15.95

Children's book!  Little Lily and her dog did everything happily together until one day a tiny blue stone entered Lily…

The Feather From Heaven, Ukrainian

The Feather From Heaven, Ukrainian

$17.95 $15.95

Children's book translated into the Ukrainian language!  Little Lily and her dog did everything happily together unti…

The Good Shepherd, story colouring book

The Good Shepherd, story colouring book

$7.45 $6.85

Children's coloring book

The Little Donkey, colouring book

The Little Donkey, colouring book


COMING SOON!  THE LITTLE DONKEYcolouring book by UK artist Pauline Shone.

TWO GREAT MIRACLES, story coloring book

TWO GREAT MIRACLES, story coloring book

$8.65 $8.35

Feeding the 5000 and healing the man born blind coloring book

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